How to waste your time efficiently

September 1, 2024
2 min read

It’s an interesting concept, to be honest. How does it start? With an excitement. The excitement to start your day differently, and, of course, right this time.

It means that you let go of everything you were doing wrong based on your perception or perceptions of others. You want to wake up early because today it's your day off. And there's no way you’ll waste it this time! You made your to-do list or perhaps you didn’t. But you know what you want to do. This time, everything is going to be different, and it is! The alarm rings at 6.40. Aaaaand, a drumroll, ladies, and gentlemen.

Yes, you snooze. It’s almost like the computing of your brain doesn’t belong to the determined person from yesterday. The difference is, that this time you don’t wake up at 7.30 as normally, but 9.30 instead. You quickly try to get out of bed and put your life on fast forward. A quick “meditation try” while thinking of the next steps, then the headache kicks in, so you sleep a little more. Bim bam bum. It’s 12.00, time for a coffee. I have so much stuff I want to do today, but first, let’s eat, and while I eat, why not watch something? Gilmore Girls makes me so happy. Shoooot, it’s 15.00, and I need to finish my postcards. Why not multitask? I am very "good" at that. 

It’s 17.00, and I have now wasted 8,5 hours of my day off. What a thrill. If you would like to get more useful tips like these in the future, don’t forget to write me a message I’ll be delighted to share some. We could also just complain and not do anything about it together.

I am trying to decipher all of these repetitive mistakes because yes, this happens regularly, I guess it’s even worse when you are aware of it. So when we realize all of this, why do we still do it, that is the question. Is it because we don’t know how to start, or it’s because we don’t know how to continue what we started? Or what is the purpose of all of this? What are we scared of? That it’s not going to resonate? Why are we doing this? Do we think we are smarter than we are? Who are we trying to impress? It’s ticking daily, the countdown starts when we are born, and we still can’t make ourselves do it. Again, what are we scared of?

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